Good news, so far anyway! My semi-annual date with the CT scan machine went swimmingly. Except for the HUGE needle and the BURNING contrast (did they pumped too fast?) it was the usual piece of cake.
The day after my scan my oncologist told me it was all clear but that, due to the spots on my lungs, they would continue to check me for two years. Since I didn't have barium, I guess I can't complain too much about that needle issue ...
I did get a bit of a butt chewing though. Dr. M. was not at all pleased that my left leg has been swollen for two weeks and I didn't call. I told her I was too busy being well to be sick .. she wasn't amused. "You do realize that Tamoxifen can cause blood clots, right?" Hm. Well. I didn't really think of that, doc.
After she examined me and teased me about being concerned about my chin hair when my leg is twice the size it should be ... (Hey. It's all about priorities!), she took me off Tamoxifen. Now I am taking Femara. I haven't even bothered to look up THOSE side effects. Just surprise me.
She also gave me a diuretic for the swelling and marched me off to imaging for an ultrasound on both legs. Both are swollen, but the left is significantly bigger. Still waiting on those results but meanwhile I checked my MDA appointment schedule yesterday and they have me down for another ultrasound on MONDAY. Is that duplicate appointment? An error? Or do I really have to go back get gelled and mushed again? Until I get a return phone call it's anybody's guess.
If I have a blood clot, I'm gonna be so pissed! I don't have time to be SICK!!!
On a lighter note, I did enjoy a new experience at MDA this week. I had a consult with plastics to discuss possible reconstructive surgery. Actually, a reduction in my healthy breast to make it "match" my tiny, tanned and scarred one. One is a DD .. the other, after three surgeries is about a C. I call them Fred and Ethel. Ethel needs a lift.
It wasn't even something that was on my radar until both my oncologist and surgeon mentioned it to me. And after my MRSA experience, I am not at all sure that it's something I want to do. But I was willing to hear them out. The nurse did all the usual checking in procedures and then offered me something called "photo panties". Uhm. What?
You can imagine the fun Dave and I had with that line. Anyway, they're hideous, these "photo panties". It seems that prior to any reconstructive surgical procedures you have a photo session (oh joy) so that the docs can determine where to take fat (back, belly or butt. Seriously.) to reconstruct breasts from you own tissue. Thankfully, since I was taking away and not adding .. I skipped the photo session.
What a waste of good photo panties!
Next up (unless we do a redo on the ultrasound) is my appointment for a colonoscopy on June 4. Man, the fun never stops! (Maybe I'll wear my photo panties and surprise the doctor) ...