Sunday, July 10, 2011

Looking up ...

Looking up from my perch on the deck.

So ... Dave and I got up on Friday at 2:45 am and made the drive to Houston for my second surgery and further Herschel excavation. We saw about 35 deer along the roads in Houston and Walker counties but, thankfully, only one VERY large doe decided to saunter in front of our car. Dave braked slowly, so as not to jar me and all my boo boos ... and we were all fine. Silly deer.

We arrived three minutes early for our appointed 5:45 am date. Within ten minutes I, along with four other patients, was called back for wardrobe change and pre-op interrogation. (Is it REALLY necessary that they ask you the same questions four times? Hm.) Anyway, as usual, I got really great nurses who, despite the ungodly hour, were in cheerful spirits, warm and friendly. I really love all the MDA folks.

My anesthesiologist was terrific. She was blonde, Russian and adorable. She listened to my concerns about the last trip under. I woke up with a terrible sore throat that lasted almost a week. She said she would use a smaller tube and, since my surgery would be much shorter, I shouldn't have any problems. I didn't realize my last surgery was over three hours.

The last thing I remember is something cool going in my IV .. and Dave said I was out. I didn't even kiss him goodbye! I do remember waking (slightly) in the OR and scooting myself from one gurney to the other. I hope I did it with some modesty but I rather doubt it. Oh well .. it was an all girl party anyway.

So I woke up in recovery to nurse Valerie washing my face. Dave showed up sometime later and, once I had some saltines and apple juice (though I asked for bacon, eggs and coffee), I started to feel awake. Though I don't remember it, Valerie told Dave that when they reopened my Herschel incision a lot of fluid came out and apparently my drain had become clogged. Additionally, I had pulled a stitch loose and the Doc not only re-routed my drain tubing, she re-stitched my tear. So, I guess it was a good thing all around that she went back in.

The second surgery will delay my radiation treatments about a week or so. I see Doctor B in two weeks for a post-op check and (hopefully!) the drain removal. And I see the radiologist the following day for a consult on my radiation treatments. We're entering the final phase of treatment and I couldn't be happier about that.

Yesterday morning I felt so good that I went outside, walked down the steps and down the driveway through the meadow. It was the first time I'd been for a walk (even a short one!), in months. It felt so good to be outside, pain free, and to have the energy to make the 200 yard walk by myself. I'm coming back .. slowly but surely and everything is sweeter. My taste buds are back, my appetite is HUGE, my hair is coming back and I no longer have the lead raincoat or concrete shoes to slow me down. I won't ever be the same .. I'm gonna be BETTER!

Love to all of you who have cheered me on and inspired me!!

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