Well, I thought I'd better check in and let you know that Herschel and I are still here. By the phone. Waiting. I positively detest the idea of him residing all warm and snuggly where he shouldn't be.
The process of getting Medicaid is about the most unfun I've had lately. I'm sure that my aversion to asking for any kind of help only compounds the natural dose of irritation that comes with filling out paperwork and waiting for a state employee to do their job.
Thus far, the most asinine response came last week when I was told I had been denied because the name on my birth certificate (Lillie Darlene Meader) and the name on my driver's license (Darlene Meader Riggs) didn't match. Well .. DUH! Gee .. would tracking my social security number really be that difficult to determine that I am who I say I am? What do you do for all those folks who wear hipboots with their somberos and smell of refried beans? Anyway. UGH! Don't even get me started.
I'm not feeling very Christian about all this.
And so, in my impatience, I tried to start the ball rolling with M. D. Anderson but was told to wait until Tuesday to see if we had a positive outcome from the State of Texas. So today is Tuesday. Cross your fingers. And hope with all your might that I don't have to open a big 'ole can of whoop-ass.
That's not very Christian either, is it?
Well, it is, without question, very TEXAN. Let's get this party started!!!!!!
Insert Mood Swing Here.
On a happier note ... (cleansing breath) ... Miss Ashley Belinda has been working her little mama fingers to the bone with her "Let's Save Mama D's Double D's" projects. She has fund raising parties planned, a fun run/walk in April, t-shirt sales in the works and is working on a silent auction. Her organizational skills and level of energy have just been amazing. I would be in awe even if she weren't my own baby girl but because she is, well .. you can just imagine how proud and grateful I am. If you want to talk to this little dynamo of a daughter, you can email her here. or send to letssavemamadsdoubleds (at) suddenlink.net.
Additionally, there have been so many acts of kindness thrown in my general direction lately. More than a few folks have sprouted wings and taken to sporting a halo in my unbiased observations. I don't know why God chose me to shower all this good stuff on but I want you to know that nary a single sweet gesture has gone unnoticed.
So .. here's the deal: sometime today, if it's not too much to ask, and even if you aren't a real praying person (WHAT?), please just lift your eyes to Heaven and ask God to provide the means to kick Herschel's ugly ass to the curb. Okay?
Thank you. I owe you a pie. Mwah!
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