Thursday, December 23, 2010

Twiddling Thumbs - 11.10.10

All text & photographs on Dirt Road Heaven © by Darlene Meader Riggs, 2010

So. There's really nothing to tell. Less than a week to go till "B" Day (biopsy). But that event only marks the beginning of more waiting.

I'm not good at waiting.

I thought David had taught me patience .. it took him two years to fall in love with me beyond friendship. (I know - I have a hard time imagining that myself!) Then another year to say the magic three words, "I love you", and then took another four or five to produce a ring and then I think it was at least two before we got married. If that's not patience, I don't know what is!

But I am not enamored with Herschel. I don't like Herschel. He is an interloper, a cad, an invader and I want him gone. Yesterday.

If you have ever had your home broken into then you know that sense of shock that someone, uninvited, has been in your space. Shock turns to anger especially when you realize that, not only did they take your stuff, they went into your refrigerator, took out your lunchmeat, cheese and mustard and made themselves a sandwich!

Of all the _____ - ________ nerve!

I think Herschel has made himself quite at home and is frying chicken .. and I hope he chokes on it.

Do not be alarmed by these last two posts. I'm not really crazier than I was before .. it's just revealing itself in an alarming, new fashion.

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